Wednesday, June 11, 2008


After ten years as an unhappy member of New York Sports Club, I dropped them. I began to search for a new gym to join. And I selected a (budget) gym that I thought no one I knew would be at. I've been a member for the last two months, and there had been no sign of anyone I went to high school/college with or anyone I took a music lesson with when I was a pre-teen, and for that, I was grateful. Until today. Finally ran into someone I knew. On the seated bicylcles.

Here is a pooch that clearly spends too much time at the gym!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Numero Uno

Hello virtual world!

Since this is my first posting, I think I should write about something of the utmost importance to many women out there: the Sex and the City movie.

I just saw it. And I loved it. And I cried. A lot. It wasn't as funny as the show, but it was way more emotional.